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“My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.” James 2:1

We see the world today desperate to blame its own bigotry on Christians. White privilege. Thin privilege. Accent privilege. Male privilege. “Pretty” privilege.

The media would have you believe that people of color are oppressed, all while white people are lying about their race in order to get into colleges that champion radical left-wing ideology.

But somehow reactionary right-wing (Christian) ideology is the real threat to society according to the FBI, CIA, and other such bureaucracies.

A cursory reading of the Bible will show that unity is only possible within the body of Christ. In Christ there is neither male nor female, Jew or gentile. In Revelation we see an innumerable multitude “of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues” (Rev7:9) clothed in white robes.

For there is no respect of persons with God. (Rom 2:11)

The unity that the left and the establishment pushes is a fallacy based entirely on respect of persons, and because of this it can only serve to destabilize society.

The godless and the make-believers are quick to browbeat with the scripture: “love thy neighbor as thyself.” This is the second commandment. The first commandment is to love God with all they heart and all thy mind and all they strength. To omit this commandment is to commit idolatry by elevating the “neighbor,” which has been defined through an erroneous respect of persons, over Almighty God.

Likewise, the Christian right in the United States undermines itself by placing patriotism on the same (or even a higher) level as faith. This too is idolatry. To be a Christian is to be a stranger and a pilgrim on the earth. We should desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. (Hebrews 11:13-16)

In the New Jerusalem will anyone pine for the good old days of America?

This world will melt with fervent heat.

Even so, Amen.

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Love of the truth is a gift from God. While the establishment tries to cancel figures such as Joe Rogan, Tim Pool, Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones it only drives more of the “normies” into the alternative media ecosystem. This alternative media ranges from libertarian to constitutionalist, from secular humanists to believers.

I will admit it. Alex Jones was right. About many things. And I’m glad that he is bringing so many people into the truth movement. But I want to talk about the underbelly of the alt-media. If you spend any time at all listening to podcasts or interviews on Alex Jones or Stew Peters you will find every manner of false religion and philosophy represented. I would remind you as a friend that the Bible tells us not to believe every spirit but to try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

If you listen carefully you will notice that the “truther” movement is overrun with New Age philosophy, Hebrew Roots heresies, Catholicism, Gnosticism, and science falsely so-called. Many truthers make their money selling supplements and gear that you may or may not benefit from. Take care that whoever you get your information from loves God more than their bellies. We all have to make a living, but we do not need to make our living by teaching things we ought not for filthy lucre’s sake.

I urge the truth movement to return to a more Biblical view of health. “Hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.” Psalm 43:5

We don’t see people in the Bible living for centuries on dietary supplements or tinctures. Remember that the Lord is able to preserve you and keep you in health and safety. Attend to your health, supplement rationally if you wish, but remember that your life is Christ.

Remember what John teaches us about how to try the spirits: “Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God.”

Listen carefully to every speaker and see if they will confess the Lord Jesus. Most in the truth movement do not. If they do they twist the gospel into a works-based salvation or idolatry around Donald Trump or the Constitution or science.

“Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.” 1 John 5:12

Business Insider posted an article in the spring of 2021 entitled, “Christians are increasingly falling victim to online falsehoods. Meet the librarian leading the fight against conspiracy theories and health misinformation.”

…which is more of a twitter post than a title. The average fool doesn’t have to read much further before the news is settled: Dumb Christians will believe anything if not for concerned journalists and do-gooder librarians.

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Rachel Wightman, a librarian at Concordia University, says she was motivated to fight misinformation after the 2020 sham election, the George Floyd debacle, and the psychological plague known as C19. She noticed a problem with white evangelical churches in particular and was concerned that they were not getting their news from "official sources", which promote the death and humiliation of white evangelical churches.

As a result, Ms. Wightman created a six-week zoom seminar to teach churchgoers how to identify misinformation. As if female pastors and support for same-sex relationships were not enough, churches should also be taught to ignore God and intuition entirely.

Dr. Christopher Douglas, a professor of English at the University of Victoria, is also quoted saying, “It's a small step from disputing the science of evolution and climate change to doubting the efficacy of masks and vaccines in fighting the pandemic because it all comes from a common source, which is mainstream 'secular' science.”

I couldn't have said it better. We reject the religion of science because men are fallible and they lie. We prefer the laws of God over the bloviating of Christ-rejecting university staff.

“…but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” – Joshua 24:15

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