"For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." I Corinthians 3:11
Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Christianity. His Gospel was passed down by the apostles, without contradiction, for our "doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness." (II Tim 3:16).
This seems self explanatory when considering the Christian faith. Unfortunately modern teachings aim to separate believers from their own savior by insisting that Christ's ministry only applied to Jews. They're taught that the Apostle Paul contradicts Christ and in such cases they're to follow Paul for doctrine, as if they were preaching two separate messages.
This is the state of modern Christianity.
Such teachings are relatively new and are mostly the result of Judaized reference bibles. The goal of these bibles and their authors has been to make followers of Christ, sympathetic to anti-Christians and the mosaic law.
It's a noble effort to ease the rifts between Christians and Jews, but it's also led us to pharmaceutical mandates and an open air prison camp for all of humanity. Wake up Christians.