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Enmity Against God

Conversion to Christianity often seems like a mystery. We'll see someone go through a life-altering change and then suddenly identify themselves as a Christian. It’s easy to understand why a person would try to kick a bad habit or an addiction, but the “jump” to Christ can be difficult to understand.

Why are some granted the truth of God, while others simply make a lifestyle change? Only God knows. The Lord selects the vessels of his choosing for the tasks of his choosing, some to honor and others to dishonor [1].

Those who are converted have seen, through their own specific sins, that God's truth is completely undeniable. As new sins come to light, the convert is refined rather than cast down, sanctified rather than defeated, and ultimately strengthened in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. This is God's way of establishing his kingdom now and also preparing the citizens of the new heavens and the new earth.

Conversion is more than a lifestyle change because it's a realization that we weren't just hurting ourselves or those around us, but that we had offended God the Creator [2] with our actions. Our existence before salvation was by default enmity against God [3], and there is no greater offense than this.

Hibiscus in Marco Island, FL

[1] 2 Timothy 2:20

[2] Psalm 51:4

[3] Romans 8:7


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