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Godly Sorrow

2 Corinthians 7:10

If the laws of God are written in your heart then you will be moved to godly sorrow when you violate them. Your sin will sicken you until you draw nigh to the redeemer and lay it at the foot of the cross. You will flee to Christ because you'll know that there is no other source of truth in the world.

....I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 14:6

This sort of sorrow is not derived from fear, but a reverence for the Creator. It is acknowledgement of our utter weakness and our need for God's love.

This is unlike the sorrow of the world which reacts to material needs, the fear of death, and pessimistic news reports. As much as we grieve the things of this world, there is no salvation to be found here. There is no rest for us even when our temporal needs are met.

We all have fears, but for the faithful there is nothing is more troubling than realizing we've sinned against God. The loss of possessions, elections, health, or anything in this life, pales in comparison to knowing that we've crossed the Lord. We are driven to repentance at the slightest transgression and the only relief from the burden is the assurance of redemption through Jesus Christ.

Glory be to God.

Photo Credit: Alex Shute -


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