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Remove thy Foot from Evil

The Christ-rejecters want us forever tuned in to the left versus right sporting event, while they quietly raise up street level 5G towers and redirect the medical industry into a health passport system.

They keep us stirred up with debates to make sure we’re constantly at odds with our neighbors and believing that nothing is more important in a nation than being correct about politics.

The system in the United States is corrupt beyond repair and what’s particularly dangerous about it is that people still believe they’re just one Republican president away from a sane nation. They still point to the Constitution as if it’s the Word of God, but have no desire to repent themselves.

Conservatives and Republicans are not synonymous with being Christian, and many of them choose to make deals with groups of people that reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Exhibit A, Exhibit B

For Christians, our Law is God’s Law and the Bible is our plumb line for all things.

We must be careful not to choose political sides and to think that one group will take care of us better than the other. If we play by the left/right game of the Christ-rejecters, then we should expect to incur God’s wrath.

Pledge no allegiance to a party and turn away from the merciless American machine.

"Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil."

-Proverbs 4:27


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