Before I was exposed to Christianity outside of Catholicism, my idea of being “saved” was charismatic churchgoers throwing themselves all over the altar and fainting.
Salvation in my mind looked something like this
(Source: Praise Break Central on
And the truth is, when you walk into a Christian church, a lot of times salvation will be a production. Maybe not as wild as Mother Dupree here, but there is a tried-and-true formula:
The music starts, the people around you start singing, then a seasoned deacon pulls you aside, gives you the gospel, and asks if you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins. He listens for your answer, right then and there. Are you in or are you out?
Most people under this hypnosis find it hard to resist. “Of course I’m in!”...not having read a lick of the Bible. Not having come to the truth on their own volition.
Sure, this "ups" the salvation count for the church, but is that person truly convicted?
Don't get me wrong, a bible-believing church can help you get there and I recommend everyone get around some hard preaching, but comprehending the words of Apostle Paul for myself is what convinced me. It’s what was missing from my life as a young Catholic. I’d heard the stories of Jesus, but as far as I knew, my soul was cleansed in the confessional booth before a priest.
But salvation of the soul is far easier than this, if we desire it. It is the highest form of honor in this life, in my opinion, and there is no confessional booth, hypnosis, or charismatic production needed.
Salvation is knowing that Jesus died a brutal death as atonement for our sins, that he rose from the dead in fulfillment of the scriptures, and that he left us with the Holy Spirit to guide us in this life!
A person who desires atonement for their sins is a person who recognizes eternal truth set forth by God.
A person who desires atonement understands that human beings are fallen and imperfect and can never live up to God’s expectations even on our best days. We all need forgiveness.
If we desire true peace and reconciliation in this life and forever, then that can be achieved through faith in the Son.
It’s this easy:
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Romans 10:9-10
Do you believe that God almighty determines truth in this world? Or can we make up our own truths and ignore the natural order?
Do you desire atonement for your own violations of God's truth and righteousness and to be an example unto others?
Then pledge your allegiance to Jesus Christ and stand in contrast to the types that murdered him.
More importantly, read the words of the New Testament for yourself.