Christians should be assured of Christ’s coming and our home in the heavenly Jerusalem, but our lives on Earth are not just wastes of time. We’re called to live, not to wait around in hopes of being whisked away.
“Let thine heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live.”
-Proverbs 4:4
Take comfort that we have a risen Savior and that he reigns King through eternity. He graced us with His Commandments, His Word, and the Holy Spirit. He equipped us with everything we need to persevere in the here and now, through peacetime and through tribulation.
If we live for ourselves and the desires of our hearts, our souls will surely die, but if we live to glorify God in all things, we will obtain life everlasting.
Our purpose is not to partake in every carnal pleasure and to collect as many treasures as possible while alive. If we happen to find love and material comforts while we’re here, Praise God for it! These are blessings from above.
But our rewards are in Heaven and our purpose on earth is to live today for the Glory of God. That “sweet life”, that peace and freedom which we long for can only be obtained through His son, Jesus Christ.
“And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.”
-Ezekiel 16:6
I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.
Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash