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War All of the Time

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars…”

Matthew 24:6

Every massive scam must be followed by a war in order to cloud the details of the massive scam. The best example from this generation is the war in Iraq that followed the destruction of the triple towers on 9/11.

The media, at the government’s direction, shifts from one fear campaign to the next, so that the public never has enough time to think on the carnage that the government caused.

Today we have a staged plague being followed up by a conflict in Russia and Ukraine. And once again, the oligarchs have decided the moral stance on this matter for their constituents, customers, employees and students alike: Support for Ukraine is support for democracy!

Public opinion is manufactured through media suggestion and the raising of Ukrainian flags and suddenly the left and the right find themselves agreeing on who the enemy is. First invisible germs and now Russians.

As long as we stay tuned into this media production, we will continue to be led into bondage. The only way forward is to unplug from this matrix of violence and plug into the Word of God.

“Ye shall observe to do therefore as the LORD your God hath commanded you: ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.”

Deuteronomy 5:32

We must not participate or take sides in these hunger games. Both sides serve the cold-bloods who seek total control through global governance.

Ukraine serves the order by sheltering dirty deals for politicians and their relatives. Russia serves the order by crumbling the West. The result is always innocent bloodshed and the curtailing of human freedom.

There is no benefit to common folk by supporting either side. Our anger and attention should be fully focused on the cold-bloods who attempt to order the world in their own image rather than God's. The cold-bloods with the money. The 1%. The control freaks.

“Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.”

Proverbs 4:27


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