I had the misfortune of stumbling upon a “de-classified” CIA document written in 1983 and circulated in 2003 titled "Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process." You can read this document on the CIA's own website here, and I will be quoting from this document extensively in this series.
A summary of the document can be found in this video, but I encourage you to download and read it yourself:
I don’t want this place to get too tinfoil hat but I also want you to be armed with the full armor of God against the wiles of the Devil.
The CIA was notorious for developing a variety of psyops over the past 75 years or so. You may have heard of famous ones like MK-Ultra or MK-Naomi. This “Gateway process” attempts to develop “a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres [of the brain] so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space” Pg 4
In short, the CIA paid people to practice witchcraft with our tax dollars. I will attempt to expound some of the findings of this document through a Biblical lens, using the scriptures as the sole authority rather than “science falsely so called.” 2nd Timothy 6:20
The memo reads as follows:
Notice this:
“Gateway assumes that once the frequency and amplitude of the human brain are rendered coherent, it is possible to begin accelerating both so that the human mind is soon resonating at ever higher vibrational levels. The mind can then bring itself into synchronization with more sophisticated and rarified energy levels in the universe. The mind, when operating at these increasingly rarified levels is assumed to be capable of processing the information thus received through the same fundamental matrix by which it makes sense of ordinary physical sensory input to achieve meaning in a cognitive context.”
Emphasis in italics is mine. Gateway ASSUMES. The “experts” assume first of all, that there is a spiritual realm in the universe beyond the grasp of our five senses, and that through “conscious effort” we can attain to these higher dimensions on our own without God's grace.
Jesus says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.” John 10:1
With the Lord’s help I will attempt to expose the lies and fraud of pseudoscientific mysticism. We are going to cover a lot of ground so stay tuned. This research began decades ago, and they are using it against us even now.
I leave you with these words:
“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:13-15